Publish job listings and receive recommendations about candidates.

Get tips about candidates that someone has vouched for. Vouch gives you the opportunity to get in touch with candidates who otherwise would not have ended up in the application pile.

This is how vouch activates your own and external network

1. Describe who you are looking for

Post a listing that describes who you are looking for. This makes it easy for visitors to send in good tips.

2. Share the ad with everyone you know

Engage employees, customers, alumni and connections on social media in the hunt. Then we at Vouch do the same against everyone we know, which has become quite a few.

3. Get tips about candidates

Let the networks work and get recommended candidates from their references. You will only receive candidates who have confirmed interest in the position.

4. Evaluate if it is a match

Contact the candidates or send rejections directly through the system. If it ends with employment, the tipster gets a reward. You choose the amount at startup.

Why use Vouch?

70% of Norwegian employees are open to changing jobs, but are not actively looking for positions. This means that many good potential employees never end up in the application pile.

Vouch gives the extra push many need to find a new and exciting job. By using Vouch, your company can engage networks to reach out to these candidates.

The platform also facilitates that you can activate your own employees, ambassadors, customers or your own relationships to assist in the hunt for the right candidate.

By advertising on Vouch, you also reach thousands of users on the platform, as well as through external marketing.


Want to learn more?

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Companies that already appreciate recommendations

Some of the companies that have hired key players through Vouch.
